viernes, 6 de junio de 2014

Things I do in my free time:
My favorite activity is listening to music, but knowing specifically some tips, like the beginning, the culture where is born, who listens to that, etc. When I was a child, my father always showed me a different type of music. At first, I didn´t understand the importance of knowing that. Now, I really appreciate every moment we had learning and knowing different styles and stories about music.
In every situation, I try to learn more about this, because I think that the music shows us how different cultures live and think. I really love the diversity of habits, and this is what the music represents for me.
I do this with my father, but just some times. Frequently, I do this with my close friends, they love it too and we share some information. There are times that I do this alone, because this makes me feel so good and I can reflect on different perspectives or opinions that I read.

When I do that, I search some artist that I like on youtube. Here, there are similar artists and I listen to some songs. Later, I search information or documentaries. This is so interesting. I really love to do this.

2 Comentarios:

A la/s 6 de junio de 2014, 1:00 p.m., Blogger Unknown dijo...


A la/s 6 de junio de 2014, 1:03 p.m., Blogger fran andrea dijo...

Ooh I share with you your idea about the music! I do also really like


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